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  • Uh-oh, your info was involved in a data breach?! What to do next…
D2admin October 15, 2023 0 Comments

We’ve all had an account with a company where we’ve been notified about the company experiencing a data breach – but what can you do about it?

If your account’s caught in a data breach by its host company, your private stuff like logins, emails, credit cards, or personal info might’ve been swiped or viewed by unauthorized folks. This can happen to any size company, regardless how well-established they are.

So where to start?

  • Act fast – the sooner you take action to lock down things, the less time criminals have, to mess around.
  • Change your passwords to something new, unique, long (12+characters), strong!
  • Enable 2FA (Two-factor authentication, aka MFA); or update and regenerate backup codes if you already had 2FA on.
  • If the breached account password was used for other accounts, change those account passwords to something new and unique, too, for each account (reused passwords put your accounts at higher risk of being hacked).
  • Stay on alert for an increase in phishing attempts. You don’t have to wait for a breach to happen to take these steps now. 😉